Tag: poaching

  • There’s nothing we can do to save the Northern White Rhino

    There’s nothing we can do to save the Northern White Rhino

    He’s 42, has grey wrinkly skin and loves tummy rubs. Sudan is the last male Northern White rhino in the world. Protected 24/7 by highly-trained staff at Ol Pejeta, he leads a comfortable life. But you’d have to wonder what he’d think if he understood he was the last of his kind on the planet, […]

  • Saving our Critically Endangered Vultures of Zululand

    Saving our Critically Endangered Vultures of Zululand

    An annual vulture tagging project was established with the aim of saving our critically endangered vultures of Zululand. There are five Savannah species of vulture found in Zululand, all of them listed as endangered or critically endangered. It is projected that breeding pairs of Lappet Faced and White Headed Vultures will be facing extinction locally by […]

  • Rhino Poachers Get Jailed

    Rhino Poachers Get Jailed

    Sentencing was handed down in the White River Magistrates Court on Monday 31 August 2015. Each poacher was sentenced to eleven years for possessing an unlicensed firearm, unlawful possession of ammunition, as well as trespassing.

  • NY Antique Dealer Jailed for Rhino Horn & Ivory Products

    NY Antique Dealer Jailed for Rhino Horn & Ivory Products

    A New York antiques dealer was sentenced on 5 December 2013 for conspiracy to smuggle rhino horn and ivory in the form of artifacts from Asia. The antiques dealer, Qiang Wang, was sentenced to three years and one month with a further three years supervised release by a United States federal court. In our opinion this is […]

  • Community Rhino Ambassadors

    Community Rhino Ambassadors

    Building community rhino ambassadors can be the single biggest living deterrent to rhino poaching. So says Dr Bandile Mkhize, CEO of Ezemvelo KZN wildlife, speaking of the Kingsley Holgate Foundation. He goes on to say, Communities are not some solid block of people who necessarily think the way our recently selected 400 rhino ambassadors around […]