Cape Vidal Wilderness Trails, St Lucia

Cape Vidal Wilderness Trails, St Lucia

Cape Vidal Wilderness Trails, St Lucia incorporates the forest located on the narrow strip between the Indian Ocean and lake St Lucia. It also covers the part south of Cape Vidal known as the Eastern Shores State Forest.

Cape Vidal recently had a major revamp with iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority investing seven million rand into a complete rebuild of the camp site and upgrade of day visitor facilities, due to increasing demand.

In 2011 the managers of the world heritage site iSimangaliso Wetland Park in KZN were awarded the Golden Shield Award in the category of World Heritage Site of the Year

Wilderness is the highest form of conservation category that an area can achieve. It is defined by the World Conservation Union as “a large area of unmodified or slightly modified land and/or sea which retains its natural character and influence and which is protected and managed so as to preserve its natural condition”. – Wilderness Trails

Cape Vidal Wilderness Trails, St Lucia
image source: Kevin Heyes

Cape Vidal Wilderness Trails, St Lucia

There are a number of hiking trails with the St Lucia Wilderness Trail being the most popular guided walk. A four-day hike, usually from Friday to Monday, with check-in at the Bhangazi boom gate at 15h30 on Fridays.

The hike starts on Saturday to the tented camp, and the next two nights are spent here with day walks from this base. Activities include snorkelling, canoeing and guided walks.

The Cape Vidal Wilderness Trails, St Lucia is a wilderness area described as a place with minimal human interference. Here at the Cape Vidal Forest you have the opportunity to experience nature largely undisturbed by man.

There is a good chance of seeing black rhino as well as buffalo, along with a variety of other wildlife, all under the watchful eye of a field ranger.

For bookings:

Additional Info:  there is a tented base camp with matresses, pillows, sheets and blankets, a fully equipped kitchen as well as a camp cook. Hot showers and toilets available. Trails run from April to end September and anti-malaria precautions are essential.

Directions from Durban: head north along the N2 and take the R618 going to St Lucia.



3 responses to “Cape Vidal Wilderness Trails, St Lucia”

  1. Dear Sir and Madams,
    my husband and I would like to do the wilderness trail, be out with a Ranger and experience wildlife very close. Is it possible to do the trail at the end of March? How much is it?
    Looking forward for your reply or you can call me:
    Many greetings
    Carmen & Chris Hoss

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