We are fortunate to have one of the top dive sites in the world, ranking up there with the Great Barrier Reef and the Red Sea as far as diversity both underwater and above.
From exploring the reefs to the surrounding unique dune forests and savannas, with world class game reserves thrown in for good measure, makes this one of the top destinations in South Africa.
Sodwana Bay is considered to be among the premier dive sites of the world, and is home to the southernmost tropical coral reefs on the planet which are further south than the Great Barrier Reef.
The reef has an incredibly dense coral cover and wide diversity of fish, crustaceans and more, with over 1200 species having been recorded in the area. Conditions range from idyllic to challenging depending on the wind and the current.
The sites vary in depth shallow and depths only suited to technical deep divers. Qualified divers use registered dive operators who are properly accredited and who must adhere to the contracts put in place by the ISimangaliso Park Authority.
The reefs at Sodwana Bay are named by the distance from the launch site, Jesser Point. The major reef’s are split up into Quarter Mile, 2 Mile Reef, 5 Mile Reef, 7 Mile Reef and 9 Mile Reef (each of these reefs have their own dive sites). There are also a few isolated reefs fringing the main reefs, such as Stringer and Bikini.
The biodiversity in the area is phenomenal from the big to the small. Seasonal visitors include humpback whales and manta rays and others such as dolphins, turtles and whale sharks appear year round.
Some of the small specials which can be seen include paper fish, pipefish, seahorses, nudibranchs, frog fish and many others.
Source: KZN Wildlife