Founded in 1969, the International Fund for Animal Welfare saves individual animals, animal populations and habitats all over the world.
With projects in more than 40 countries, IFAW provides hands-on assistance to animals in need, whether it’s dogs and cats, wildlife and livestock, or rescuing animals in the wake of disasters.
We also advocate saving populations from cruelty and depletion, such as our campaign to end commercial whaling and seal hunts.
IFAW is an international organisation that links up with local expertise and leadership. By providing a strong internationally coordinated effort, they are able to leverage regional campaigns and projects to achieve a global impact.
Sensitive to the needs of communities, IFAW strives to find workable solutions that benefit both animals and local communities. With a hands-on approach to projects, their work connects animal welfare and conservation, demonstrating that healthy populations, naturally sustaining habits and the welfare of individual animals are intertwined.
IFAW is made up of a team of rescue workers, veterinarians, policy experts, campaigners, scientists, educators and the highest quality support staff. Their main drive is a determination to help animals in need.
IFAW believes in the intrinsic value of animals and that we have a responsibility to protect them from suffering and commercial exploitation.
Our vision is a world where animals are respected and protected.