Our quest to go green without moving into a cave, and our continuous search for eco friendly products, has lead us to the online eco store sustainable.co.za
They put across a strong argument for the total abolition of plastic bags, and we strongly agree with them on this. Here is an article from their site.
Thicker plastic: not an eco packaging solution
South Africa’s urban landscape is almost defined by the torn and shredded plastic shopping bags that block gutters and cling to fences and building walls. In an attempt to address the problem, thicker plastic bags were introduced at all shopping outlets. The bags are designed to be more durable and reusable, and consumers have to purchase them at minimal fee.
Unfortunately, the solution has proven to be a false one. The cost of the bags is too low to serve as a proper deterrent and they are only marginally more durable than the old bags. And recycling is just as uncommon now as it was before the new bags were introduced.
A green solution to the packaging problem
The only way to successfully combat the scourge of plastic bags is to stop using them. Eco friendly bags are a far more attractive alternative; made from all natural materials such as cotton, hemp and jute, eco bags are also bigger and sturdier than plastic packaging.
Biodegradable packaging
Biodegradable packaging is also called compostable packaging because it breaks down during the natural recycling process into compostable components. Biodegradable packaging is also made from entirely natural materials such as corn, wheat and sugar cane. Packaging made from organic materials such as these are recycled naturally, no additional energy is required to break the materials down. This means that, in eco terms, biodegradable packaging is preferable to recyclable packaging materials, such as paper and cardboard, which require external energy to break down properly.
They offer a range of eco products including packaging options, such as biodegradable bowls, plates, paper serviettes, bags and cups. This is a well laid out site packed with enviro saving products, so visit Sustainable.co.za for a full list of available eco packaging options.